Thursday, April 19, 2012

Everyone Deserves A Good Night Sleep

Who doesn't want to sleep well at night?

Everyday problems and stress just don't allow it.

Here is what you can do... 

Learn How To Control Your Sleep!

1. Create a bed-time routine 
Train yourself and sleep every night at the same time

2. Check your bed-time tools
Make sure that your pillow is the right one for you and it doesn't give you any neck or back pain. Your mattress should also keep your spine at the right position. Change your sheets and nightwear regularly. The feeling of freshly cleaned cloths will help you relax

3. Have a shower before bed-time
Taking all the dirt of the day and the work or the city off of you before sleeping is a great gift for your body. Let it breathe and it will allow you to relax

4. Do not eat heavy food
Eating light at night doesn't force your stomach to digest it. Therefore you won't turn round and round all night long in your bed

5. Tea to help you sleep
Have some hot sleep-approving tea or anything decaf to make you feel warm and better

6. Sleep in the dark and give your body enough time to repair
Only in the dark is your body able to produce melatonin, the ant-ageing hormone that makes you look younger and beautiful. Remember to sleep for 8 hours. You really need it.

7. Be tender 
Do not stress yourself before sleeping with bad news on TV or scary movies that keep you alert. Hug with your partner or children and if alone just take with you in bed some beautiful thoughts to dream about.

Always remember
It takes time for your body to adjust to any routine. You only need to have patience and persistence to complete "training".

Still if you do not succeed no matter how hard you try and you still spend night after night laying in your bed awake, or if you wake up at night many times feeling wide awake then you probably deal with a sleeping disorder. If you do not suffer from any medical condition that causes such symptoms it is more likely that you are fighting with insomnia. 

Insomnia is a sleeping disorder and can be short term or chronic. There are many people out there suffering from it and if you do not deal with it, it might be dangerous for your health due to the exhaustion it brings. In case you are familiar with such a situation you need to follow more effective techniques in order to control your mind and learn to relax. It is better trying natural ways than start feeding yourself sleeping pills and get relied on them.

Get more details on how to learn to control your sleep here

Everyone should be able to sleep good at night. It all has to do with controlling your mind to put aside all kind of worries for a few hours and creating the right circumstances to help it. If you train yourself a bit you will be surprised by the results.

Why don't you give it  a try?

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